Our Washes Are Unique, Here's Why

Shampoos and liquid washes might come in lots of different colours and fragrances but they’re all essentially made the same way, from detergent ingredients. Castile soaps, on the other hand, are in a unique class of their own. Made from vegetable oils, and cooked, they create a velvety soap, perfectly suited to cleansing and nourishing the skin and scalp. 

Every wash in Four Cow Farm’s range is a handcrafted castile soap. And there are four things - okay, five - you might not know about our Castile soaps and why they’re so different from others :   

1: They’re made from Australian-grown extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil. That’s the very highest quality of oil available, one usually used on salads and in food. They’re sourced from farms right here in Australia. 

2: They’re made only from olive oil. Most well known castile soap brands use palm and coconut oils but our Castile washes only use olive oil. It’s the king of oils for a reason! The gentlest, most nourishing oil you can use on the skin. 

3: They’re super-fatted. That means that extra olive oil is added to the soap (more than necessary). That creates a super-soft and velvety soap, which is extra gentle on the skin and scalp.

4: They’re cooked for over a week. Yes, over a week. That means that they’re luxuriously gentle as the longer a soap is cooked, the gentler it is. 

5: Each one only has four ingredients. Yes, just four. They’re so special that no additives or fillers are used. Each Castile wash is made to focus on its key ingredients plus the herbal extract or essential oil used. Perfect as it is.

They’re the pride of Nanna’s range. Still made the old-fashioned way, and with lots of love and care. If you haven’t tried one of our Castile washes, you should!

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