Do You Know These 5 Winter Eczema Triggers?


When you or your little one has eczema, you’ll know that winter can be a tricky time. For some, their eczema can improve as the weather cools but, for others, it can trigger itch-scratch cycles. 

We all know that drier air and colder temperatures mean that skin loses moisture more quickly. And for eczema affected skin, which finds it challenging to hold onto its own moisture, it means that reminder to ‘moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!’ is more important than ever! 

But did you know that there are other triggers that can cause eczema to worsen in winter? Keep an eye on these five to ensure you keep eczema at bay during the colder weather - 

  1. Overheated indoor spaces: Our homes and bedrooms are nicely heated for winter, but for eczema, the constant changes in humidity and temperature can be stressful for skin that’s already struggling to cope with the environment. Keep indoor spaces - especially bedrooms - cool and ensure to remove a layer of clothing when coming indoors to keep temperature changes to a minimum.

  2. Itchy-scratchy clothing and sheets: We’re more covered up than ever now and for skin suffering from eczema, that can trigger the itches even when it’s a natural material like wool. Always ensure that the layer closest to the skin is from a lightweight cotton and rather than covering the skin in thick clothing, layer, layer, layer. Remove layers as needed so as not to overheat - being on the slightly cool side is far better than overheating the skin.

  3. A lack of sunshine or vitamin D: Vitamin D can play a big part in the health of your skin during winter and since we spend a lot more time indoors, it means your body may be getting far less vitamin D than it needs. So make sure to get time in the sunshine and ensure you keep your vitamin D levels up.

  4. Not drinking enough water: This is a biggie! Colder temperatures mean we - and especially our little ones - don’t feel as thirsty as often. But drinking less water means our skin is often less hydrated than it should be, which makes eczema skin a lot more prone to outbreak. Keep hydrated by keeping a water bottle in plain sight, and ensuring you take frequent sips.  

  5. Not eating enough fruit and veg: It’s Nanna’s constant refrain! And especially in winter, when it might not be food that’s top-of-mind, ensure you plump up your meals with lots of great winter veg and keep those fruit snacks going. 
Have you got your winter dry skin regime in place? We recommend our Calendula RemedyCalendula ConcentrateGotu Kola & Calendula Rich Cream Salve and Calendula Wash. All perfect for pampering skin through these dry, cold winter days.
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